Texts and Publications Moving Towards Mimicry 26.05.2022, SPACE, London Huarte Center residencies: fanzines 28.04.2022, Centro Huarte, Navarre Workshop: What Care Sustains? | A balloon and a diamond. An epilogue 24.02.2022, Centro Huarte, Navarre Workshop: What Care Sustains? | Text 17.10.2021, Centro Huarte, Navarre Who Cares? about audience engagement Q&A session part 1 13.10.2021, SPACE, London Who Cares? about audience engagement Q&A session part 2 13.10.2021, SPACE, London 'Other Rooms' publication 31.10.2020, Rupert, Vilnius
Videos Lina Lapelytė talks about Here Hear Hare Hair 26.05.2022, SPACE, London • Habitación: Temblar los centros 20.03.2022, Centro Huarte, Navarre • 2:00 Habitación: Compost-ables 08.11.2021, Centro Huarte, Navarre • 00:04:50 Who Cares? symposium speaker Igor Grubić 13.10.2021, SPACE, London • 18:10 Who Cares? symposium speaker Jemma Desai 13.10.2021, SPACE, London • 21:16 Who Cares? symposium speaker Katharine Stout 13.10.2021, SPACE, London • 14:47 Who Cares? symposium speaker Louise Yates 13.10.2021, SPACE, London • 15:56 Who Cares? symposium speaker Nephertiti Schandorf 13.10.2021, SPACE, London • 14:12 Leah Clements Performance ‘Hyperbaric’ 31.10.2020, Rupert, Vilnius • 43:58 Lisa Robertson online talk ‘Geomantic Slumber’ 27.10.2020, Rupert, Vilnius • 1:13:59 Eli Clare online talk ‘Brilliant Imperfection Amidst the Pandemic’ 05.10.2020, Rupert, Vilnius • 1:30:49
Audios Podcast: Out of SPACE | Episode 9: What next? 13.07.2022, SPACE, London • Out of SPACE | Episode 8: Community 03.11.2021, SPACE, London • 1:08:01 Out of SPACE | Episode 7: Presentation 20.10.2021, SPACE, London • 47:56 Out of SPACE | Episode 6: Walking the line: between copy and remake 06.10.2021, SPACE, London • 57:55 Out of SPACE | Episode 5: Carefree 20.09.2021, SPACE, London • 51:03 Out of SPACE | Episode 4: Looking after the art 01.09.2021, SPACE, London • 59:24 Out of SPACE | Episode 3: The message 18.08.2021, SPACE, London • 01:03:28 Out of SPACE | Episode 2: TCB (Taking Care of Business) 04.08.2021, SPACE, London • 01:06:54 Out of SPACE | Episode 1: Art and caring 21.07.2021, SPACE, London • 48:33